Evolution Spas are having a lot of benefits for the users. Not everything is visible, and it is impossible to mention all what makes our spas unique, but your dealer can tell you more. The most important 10 unique advantages:
1. The 3-zone ® filter system for the clearest water in the world is unique, no spa brand in the world has a system such as this one. How does it work: the water in each Evolution Spa is filtered by a 1-micron filter (other filters filter 50-60micron), this filter is equipped with silver ion. After filtering a part of the water goes through our special ozonator and ozone reaction chamber. The mixing-chamber ensures an optimal distribution of ozone and the ozone will not go directly back into the tub. The part of the water that does not go through the ozone reaction chamber, arrives in the UV-system is getting disinfected by the UV light. Every Evolution Spa is equipped with 2 disinfection systems. Other spa brands have just 1 disinfection system. The filter of a Evolution Spa filters 50x finer and doesn't need to be cleaned. The filter should only be replaced once per 3-4 months.
This is one part of the energy saving of Evolution Spas; no need to use much chemicals (economical), so better for the environment, your own health and of course it saves you money!
1-micron filter Ozone reaction chamber Ozonator UV system
2. The most economical control in the world. A SpaNet controller is fully programmable and "thinks" with you. This Australian controller is designed from the point of view of the user and is extremely user-friendly. A major reversible display allows you to see everything in a few seconds and is easy to programm. By using the programmable circulation ump you will save hundreds of euros per year in energy. For example: a 350 watt circulationpump with a 24-hour circulation costs for circulating 1,93 euros per day. (flow of 23 cents per kWh) with a 2-speed pump 3 hP the costs will be 6,21 euros per day. With the SpaNet control you can set a 4 hours circulation, spread over the day, the costs are 0,32 euros per day. The SpaNet controller also has an unique one-touch filter button, the most extensive colourtherapy, continuously adjustable airblower and much more. More information, ask your dealer.
Each Evolution Spa is equiped with an heat pump interface. The SV control seamlessly integrate a heat pump to the spa heating / cooling control system and experience 65 % power savings in comparisson with the spa heaters which are on the market at the moment. So again eco friendly!
SpaNet Control + Heater SpaNet display
SV Series SV Series
3. The strongest tub, Evolution spas have an Aristech tub which is formed in a zone-controlled oven. We can give the acrylic plate per surface area a differenS temperature so that we can be sure that our tubs have everywhere the thickness that we require. Most spas are thinner at the bottom of the tub. In addition, our tubs are equipped with vinyl ester to improve adherence to the acrylic. On top of the the vinyl ester, comes polyester. Between each layer of polyester the spas are going through a curing tunnel.
4. The best pumps; our pumps are of SpaNet. By using adjustable wet-ends the pumps are not losing any power. Because of that they give maximum power to the jets. All connectors, distribution substations and diverters are designed to give minimal resistance to the waterflow and everything for maximum power to the jet.s.
5. Patented bearingless jets, our jets have no bearings. Bearings will break sooner or later; hair, fat of skin, grains of sand; after a while they do not longer rotate. Our jets are equipped with a stainless steel spinneedle, the needle is melted in the plastic spin mechanism of the jet. The jets can not absorb any dirt and are self-cleaning. In addition, these jets can easily be taken out, and therefore exchangable. When you want a directional jet you can simply screw them in. Our slogan: always spin, always stay in.
Stainless steel jets with spinning needle
6. Evolution Spa RGB LED lighting, every spa can be equipped with perimeter LED lighting. All our jets are created with a clear back therefore LEDs can easily be clicked in, so each jet can be lighted. The SpaNet controller can get to 30 different colours, even white light, which is unique for LEDs. All colours are adjustable even as the brightness. Different modes can be set, as random, party, disco etc. Depending on the type mounted in the shell; along the waterline or jet lightning. Even lighted skirtpanels are possible with this plug and play system.
Jet lighting Perimeter LED
7. Unique Aquavibe soundsystem, the Evolution spa soundsystem is equipped with vibro-speakers, these have been mounted to the tub. The sound is reflecting into the tub which creates a sound sensation. And outside the spa you do not disturb anyone with “your sound”. The system can also be used for sound massage, the soundwaves are really tangible.
Besides a much better sound than the pop-up speaker, there is an other main difference. Pop-up speakers are always on the outside of the tub. Opposite of the vibro-speakers, which are mounted in the inside of the tub. So a longer economic life and a much better and clearer sounds
8. Perfect insulation, created for the European climate. These spas are equipped with multiple insulation. The tub is equipped with a PU foam layer. The bottom of synthetic material, is also equipped with a PU insulation. The skirts are insulated and have air-cavity and a heat-reflected layer. The Thermoguard ® system, ensures you that the heat will bekept within the spa, but it is also sound-proof.
9. Soft headrests in EVA foam, where other brands exclude these of warranty, Evolution Spas does not. 98% of the spa brands have headrests in PU, these can be damaged by chemicals, chlorine or by a bad ozonemixing. These rests will stay beautiful.
10. In fact, we can proceed but we stop at 10 with the promise that your Evolution Spa dealer can tell you much more about our spas. He knows the spas like no other, and can always count on the support of the factory.
First price for most ecological Spa!!
Our spas are pronounced as most ecological spas on the Piscine 2010 fair in Lyon!
19 November 2010