Hybrid Evolution spa
Do you want an energy saving Spa? Choose a spa from Evolution Spas. All Evolution Spas are equiped with a complete heat pump interface. The heat pumps of Evolution Spas takes the energy in the surrounding air and transfers it into the water. They produce 5 times more than a conventional spa pool heater.
With 1000 Watt energy, the heat pump can give 5000 Watt heat. Per 1000 Watt energy use, you get 4000 Watt extra free heat. That is why our Evolution Spas have won the Eco Pool Attitude Award for most ecological spas in the world.
The SpaNet control is installed in each of our spas. The SpaNet controls are already one of the most energy saving controls in the world, and now in combination with the hybrid heat pump the energy use is even more decreased till 65%.
Yes, the heat pump Hybrid costs some, but with the SpaNet and combination of the heat pump, your money is earned back in no time. Due to the perfect insulation, keeping the temperature in the spa is easier and the costs will be reduced through this.
Green Spa
Evolution Spas are equiped with an unique disinfection system, of ozon + UV + 1-micron filter with silver ions.
This special system cut down chorline to a minimum. But the new special designed AquaPerfect makes chlorine 100% unnecessary. The product is 100% biodegradable and you just have to use it once a week with the correct quantity.
With this product Evolution Spas distinguish themselves again! Evolution Spas is Green and innovative.
Is a Green product more expensive?
No, our spas are not more expensive than other spas. Of course there are spas available on the market at a lower price. But, low buy can also means expensive buy! An energy use of 4 euros is possible, even more. Compare this with a more expensive purchase and you will discover that the Evolution Spas eventually will be the most inexpensived spas.
Most people say: a spa costs aprox. 1 euro per day. This is not always the case, because a conventional spa for 1 euro per day is not feasible. An Evolution Spas is maybe the only spa which can meet to the measurement of 1 euro per day, thanks to the full programmable control / display of SpaNet and the heat pump Hybrid.
** depending on the difference between day- night tariff a saving between 65 and 73%
First price for most ecological Spa!!
Our spas are pronounced as most ecological spas on the Piscine 2010 fair in Lyon!
19 November 2010